Brand Box

Insights & Resources to Build An Impactful Brand

Grab your favorite drink of choice and dive in! Ready to work with a professional brand designer & strategist? Contact Kelly!

Brand Box

Insights & Resources to Build An Impactful Brand

Grab your favorite drink of choice and dive in! 

The elements of great logo design

There are principle elements to remember during the logo creation process that are imperative traits for an effective logo design that celebrates your business’s brand correctly and appeals to your perfect audience.

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Outside-The-Box Client Gift Ideas

The goal is to make your clients, customers, and/or sponsors feel appreciated and thought of for the success they have brought to your business this year. With remote working still a large majority for companies across the nation, here are thoughtful ideas for both physical AND digital gift sending.

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How to boost your creative output

Do you find yourself running from meeting to meeting? Are you so behind on emails that you can’t catch up? As much as we believe that being busy is productive, it can actually have a detrimental effect on our ability to improve and create impactful ideas.

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How to choose brand colors?

No matter the colors you choose for your brand, just know that you are never limited to ONLY using your core brand colors. Explore and play as your brand grows and as you communicate across new channels.

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