Hello, I'm Kelly
Your Go-To Brand Boss
I'm Your Go-To Brand Boss Creative Guru Professional Designer Dream Maker
Let me introduce myself; I’m Kelly, your GO-TO CREATIVE GURU, adding some serious sizzle to small businesses, authors, thought-leaders, and everything in between!
Kelly Bedrossian
Artist | Brand Designer & Consultant
“When we use our gifts to serve others, magical things happen…”
In 2025, Bedro Brand Box will release a suite of products that provide innovative and creative tools for businesses to improve their brands and achieve success.
what makes Bedro Brand Box special
The Big B's
Bedro beliefs in business
Nothing Is Impossible
As a creative thinker, outside-the-box solutions are not a last resort but a priority when beginning to come up with a creative solution. Creative innovation is celebrated!
Messaging Matters
Small businesses and thought leaders make a daily impact in their communities. The focus should be on showcasing this impact in their branding.
Creativity Should Be Cultivated
Everyone has a gift or superpower that can be cultivated. Creativity is one of these gifts. Cultivating this gift is an essential and ongoing goal.
Clients are valued
Whether the client provides Bedro Brand Box with a BIG project or a small project, every interaction is valued.
time is an asset not an obstacle
Deadlines are not only an important part of success, they are a solid foundation for reaching a tangible goal in delivering a product. Time is looked at positively when it comes to delivering a successful project.
skill is never final
The belief is that personal improvement should be a life-long action, not a one-time achievement.